Esperanto example

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The word dictionary

The word dictionary is subdivided in separate files, such as:

- kerno.txt kernel vocabulary
- komputo.txt computer-science terminology
- etnoland.txt countries
- personoj.txt person names

An example of a word with flags

We choose one word from the kernel dictionary as an example "absoluta/AGOQZ", and we find explication of the flags in the affix dictionary for this word.

The affix dictionary eo.aff

The relevant forms are the ones for words ending in -A.

Flag *A:
A > -A,E (means: replace the ending A with E)
A > J (means: add J)
A > JN (means: add JN)

Flag *A resolves thus in the follwing word forms for "absoluta":
absolute, absolutaj, absolutajn

Flag *G # IG-verboj (verbs ending in -ig)
A > -A,IGIS (active voice, declarative mood, past tense)
A > -A,IGAS (active voice, declarative mood, present tense)
A > -A,IGOS (active voice, declarative mood, future tense)
The word forms generated for "absoluta" are:
absolutigis, absolutigas, absolutigos

Some flags are word formative, i.e. they create new lemmas. For instance, flag *M stands for a prefix added to adjectives, and it instructs to add e.g. "mal-": "bona -> malbona"